Miguel Soler-Roig

His education has been influenced by the Bauhaus and the new Swiss typographic style. He studied at the Basel School of Design. Subsequently completed a Masters in Fine Arts at Rhode Island School of Design in Providence. For several years has been living and working in New York, and after his return to Spain he continued his studies in photography, completing a Master of Art in Photography at the European Institute of Design in Madrid (IED), and numerous international photography workshops.

Some of the most prominent spaces where he has shown his work are: RISD Museum of Art, Providence; Venice Arsenale; PhotoEspaña festival, Madrid; Valentin de Madariaga Foundation, Seville; TEA Museum, Tenerife; and Cultural Center of Jesus, Ibiza.

Aura Revealed

Aura is the Greek goddess of the breeze, her virtue is to be as swift as the wind. Aura flows, moves fast, generates a positive vibration around her: she is the paradigm of the contemporary woman in the context of today's fast-paced society. The way to represent this power that, also, protects and exalts, is through the veil, an element that alludes to the celestial dome and the separation between the upper and lower worlds [1].The role of the veil is equivalent to the firmament that divides the material and spiritual worlds. Therefore, removing veils or garments and stripping off ornaments are gestures that are associated with the search for truth. To speak of the transformative power of feminine values, Miguel Soler-Roig travels to Greece and uses mythology as a set of stories based on the imagination that explain the universe and activate the power of individuals. In a way, myths are an altered and pseudo oneiric version of reality. In dreams everything is possible: people acquire superhuman powers, the natural becomes supernatural, the weak becomes powerful... There is a sort of inversion of contexts and scenarios. In short, another version of the real, more exciting, exotic, magical and surprising.

Aura Revelada

Nostalgic Memory of my Life before Birth

Françoise, Pablo & Jaime, 2018
Françoise, Pablo & Jaime, 2018
Tamara, 2018
Tamara, 2018
Bewegungsstudie in Zufre, 2014
Bewegungsstudie in Zufre, 2014
Salvador, 2015
Salvador, 2015

This is an ongoing project based on historical biographical events that I have mixed to generate several photographic stories. Halfway between reality and fiction, they materialized in black and white photographs, in which various characters from another era are represented.

The result is a tree of connections in the world of art, literature, fashion and high society that extends through the 20th century for several generations. The work is a reinterpretation of a period lived by my grandfather, Dr. Soler-Roig (1902-1999), who established multiple relationships, more or less direct, with patients, colleagues, friends, family ... A network of connections that allows me to delve into his world and create a series of experiences that bring us unprecedented perspectives.

Through these images I recreate invisible stories: moments, experiences, memories of a past time that allow me to reopen the scars of experiences that only its protagonists lived. The viewer becomes an accomplice to a journey into the past: If our memories were capable of recovering everything we had lived, nostalgia wouldn’t be necessary.

In Nostalgic memory of my life before birth I recover the brightness of a time gone by and bring to the present my interpretation of lights and shadows from different relational angles.

Out of Silence

In the late summer of 2016, Miguel Soler-Roig travelled to one of the most inaccessible regions of Tibet to hear the first words of a Lama who maintained for three years a vow of silence. In Eastern cultures, they are much more aware of the necessity to practice the inward gaze. Silence allows the mind stillness and the discovery of the essence which shapes us.

The artist accompanies the Lama in his daily wanderings, sharing a spiritual life that manifests itself in each small action and in the way of relating to the world. Through the photographs he shows us his daily occupations -prayers, repetition of mantras, meditations, visits to the temple- and his immediate surroundings: the mysticism of the landscapes of Dzogchen in the ancient Kingdom of Kham, the humility and commitment of his people and the idiosyncrasy of a culture linked to the transcendent. The images express this philosophy through veiled symbols and visual metaphors. Stillness and darkness refer to silence, light and movement upon awakening, the path to the course of learning ...

The key symbols of the photographs culminate in an overwhelming way in a videographic artwork. A curtain of smoke gives way to the chants of the lama singing his first words in a mantra. The transition from darkness to light is equated with the experimentation of the Bardos or intermediate states: the first one or Chikhai Bardo. This phase is what happens at the moment of death, when consciousness withdraws from the senses; one no longer hears or sees anything, everything becomes blurred until it vanishes. The video shows the continuous cycle that originates and extinguishes at this point through a process of teaching and learning in which the Lama enters into communion with nature, involving the viewer. The parchment that accompanies it constitutes his first testimony after having been purified in the doctrine of silence. The spontaneity and freshness of its most immediate inspiration reflected on paper. Miguel Soler-Roig proposes an experience of introversion to feel peace of mind and imbue in the deep mysticism of the whole photographic series.

Out Of Silence
Out Of Silence
Out Of Silence
Out Of Silence
Out Of Silence
Out Of Silence
Out Of Silence
Out Of Silence
Out Of Silence
Out Of Silence
Out Of Silence
Out Of Silence
Out Of Silence

Miguel Soler-Roig Bio


  • 1983 Schule für Gestaltung, Basel; Basel School of Design (CH)
  • 1985 BFA, Rhode Island School of Design, Rhode Island, Providence (USA)
  • 1987 MFA, Rhode Island School of Design, Rhode Island, Providence (USA)
  • 2010 MA in Photography, European Institute of Design (IED), Madrid (E)

Selected Solo Exhibitions

  • 2020
    Barbara Davis Gallery, Houston, Amesegënallô
  • 2019
    Kraemer Gallery, Paris, The American Great Nude
    The Photography Show, AIPAD, New York
    The Room Studio, Barcelona, Out of Silence
  • 2018
    Flux-Zone, Mexico City, Out of Silence
    The Room Studio, Barcelona, Weightless Waves
    Barbara Davis Gallery, Houston, Out of Silence
  • 2017
    Emma Molina Gallery, Monterrey, The Ruin of Memory
    Being 3 Gallery, Beijing, Under the Andalusian Sky
  • 2016
    Being 3 Gallery, Beijing, Sceneries for Reverie
    Barbara Davis Gallery, Houston, The Ruin of Memory
    Blanca Berlin Gallery, Madrid, The Ruin of Memory
  • 2015
    Mondo Gallery, Madrid, Logical Ambiguities
    Society for Photographic Education, Cleveland, Ohio, The Ruin of Memory
  • 2013
    Photo España, Madrid, The Great American Nude
  • 2011
    Galeria Alejandro Sales, Barcelona, Frontiers without Limits
  • 2010
    Missoni, Madrid, Vogue Fashion Night Out

Selected Group Exhibitions

  • 2020
    Scattergories. Lista 4. Acción por el arte.
  • 2019
    Venezia Photo. San Servolo
    Cultural Center Jesus, Ibiza, Deserts
  • 2018
    Benaki Museum, Athens Photo Festival, Out of Silence
    Cultural Center Jesus, Ibiza, Animals
  • 2017
    Fotonoviembre, Photography Biennial. TEA Museum, Tenerife
    Antonio Perez Foundation, Cuenca
    Nacional Museum of Photography, Huete
    Cultural Center Jesus, Ibiza, Ibicenco II
  • 2016
    Paris Photo 2016. J.P. Morgan Chase Collection
    Valentin de Madariaga Foundation, Seville, Under the Andalusian Sky
    Photo London, Blanca Berlin Gallery
    Being3 Gallery, Hudson, NY
    Fotofest, Houston
    Cultural Center Jesus, Ibiza, Ibicenco
  • 2015
    Lianzhou Foto Festival, China, The Ruin of Memory
    Photo London, Blanca Berlin Gallery
    Zona Maco Foto, Mexico City
    Luis Carulla Foundation, Tarragona, Under the Andalusian Sky
    Mondo Gallery, Ibiza, Under the Andalusian Sky
    Segovia Foto Festival, The Great American Nude
    Arts Libris, Barcelona
  • 2014
    Lianzhou Foto Festival, China, Logical Ambiguities
    Fotofever, Paris, Blanca Berlin Gallery
    Matadero, Madrid, The Great American Nude
    Fotofest, Houston
  • 2013
    PINTA, New York, Blanca Berlin Gallery
    Arte Laguna, Venice Arsenale, Longings
    ABSOLUT Prize, Photo España, Madrid, The Great American Nude
  • 2012
    Blanca Berlin Gallery, Madrid, Look, Feel, Collect, with Joaquim Paiva and Tony Catany
    IED Group Show, Madrid, Stop Suffering
    JustMad Art Fair, Madrid, Frontiers without Limits
    Casa Encendida, Madrid, ”Mutant Books”, Stop Suffering
  • 2011
    Copenhagen Photo Festival
  • 2010
    Madrid Photo, Blanca Berlin Gallery
    Lisbon Art Fair, Blanca Berlin Gallery
  • 2009
    PhotoEspaña Festival, Madrid
  • 1988
    American Institute of Graphic Arts, New York
  • 1987
    RISD Museum of Art, Providence
  • 1985
    Schule für Gestaltung, Basel


  • Benaki Museum, Athens
  • Royal Artistic Circle, Barcelona
  • Luis Carulla Foundation - Vida Rural Museum, Tarragona
  • Casa degli Italiani, Barcelona
  • Valentin de Madariaga Foundation, Seville
  • Cultural Center Jesus, Ibiza
  • TEA Museum, Tenerife
  • Nacional Museum of Photography, Huete
  • Antonio Perez Foundation, Cuenca
  • RISD Museum of Art, Providence


  • Being 3 Gallery, Beijing
  • Barbara Davis Gallery, Houston
  • Galeria Emma Molina, Monterrey
  • Flux-Zone, México City
  • Blanca Berlin, Madrid
  • Mondo Galeria, Ibiza


  • 2017 Finalist Passporte Prize for Surreal Photography
  • 2014 Finalist NexoFoto Iberoamerican Photo Prize 2014, Madrid
  • 2013 Honorable mention Photo España ABSOLUT Prize 2013, Madrid
  • 2013 Finalist Arte Laguna Art Prize 12.13, MoCA Italy, Venice (IT)
  • 1987 Award of Excellence “Design for the Public Good 1987,” AIGA, New York
  • 1986 Gerrit Rietveld Academie Award, ICOGRADA International Conference, Amsterdam

Works in Collections

  • JP Morgan Chase Art Collection, New York
  • Museum of Fine Arts, Houston
  • Valentin de Madariaga Foundation, Seville
  • Trilantic Capital, New York
  • Yolanda Santos Collection, Monterrey
  • Private collections: Barcelona, Beijing, Geneva, London, Los Angeles, Madrid, Mexico, Miami, Paris, and Zürich

Books and Publications

  • Out of Silence, 2018, Madrid
  • The Great American Nude, (Artist Portfolio) 2015, Madrid
  • Sand Dreams, 2014, Madrid
  • The Great American Nude, 2013, Madrid
  • Arte Laguna Art Prize 12.13, MoCA Italy, 2013, Venice
  • Projects, European Master of Fine Art Photography, 2012, IED Madrid
  • Stop Suffering, Limited edition artist book, 2012, Madrid
  • Fronteras sin Limites, 2011, Madrid
  • From Time to Time, 2010, Barcelona


  • Artnet news Partner Content "Atlantis & Posidonia", May 2018, New York
  • Artnet news Partner Content "Out of Silence", March 2018, New York
  • Diario de Ibiza, “Ibicencos II”, July 2017, Ibiza
  • ABC, “Under the Andalusian Sky”, June 2016, Seville
  • La Razón, “The Ruins of Memory”, May 2016, Barcelona
  • L’Oeil de la Photographie, “The Ruins of Memory”, March 2016, Paris
  • El Periódico de Cataluña, Desnudos en la Alhambra. October 2015, Barcelona
  • L’Oeil de la Photographie, “Sous un ciel andalou”, September 2015, Paris
  • El Mundo Journal, “Bajo un cielo andaluz”, August 2015, Ibiza
  • El Temps Magazine, “Nus encara”, May 2015, Barcelona
  • Amante Magazine, Collectors Edition, Gold, June 2014, Madrid
  • That’s Life Magazine, January 2014, Madrid

Miguel Soler-Roig

His education has been influenced by the Bauhaus and the new Swiss typographic style. He studied at the Basel School of Design. Subsequently completed a Masters in Fine Arts at Rhode Island School of Design in Providence. For several years has been living and working in New York, and after his return to Spain he continued his studies in photography, completing a Master of Art in Photography at the European Institute of Design in Madrid (IED), and numerous international photography workshops.

Some of the most prominent spaces where he has shown his work are: RISD Museum of Art, Providence; Venice Arsenale; PhotoEspaña festival, Madrid; Valentin de Madariaga Foundation, Seville; TEA Museum, Tenerife; and Cultural Center of Jesus, Ibiza.

Aura Revelada

Aura is the Greek goddess of the breeze, her virtue is to be as swift as the wind. Aura flows, moves fast, generates a positive vibration around her: she is the paradigm of the contemporary woman in the context of today's fast-paced society. The way to represent this power that, also, protects and exalts, is through the veil, an element that alludes to the celestial dome and the separation between the upper and lower worlds [1].The role of the veil is equivalent to the firmament that divides the material and spiritual worlds. Therefore, removing veils or garments and stripping off ornaments are gestures that are associated with the search for truth. To speak of the transformative power of feminine values, Miguel Soler-Roig travels to Greece and uses mythology as a set of stories based on the imagination that explain the universe and activate the power of individuals. In a way, myths are an altered and pseudo oneiric version of reality. In dreams everything is possible: people acquire superhuman powers, the natural becomes supernatural, the weak becomes powerful... There is a sort of inversion of contexts and scenarios. In short, another version of the real, more exciting, exotic, magical and surprising.

Nostalgic Memory of my Life before Birth

Bewegungsstudie in Zufre, 2014
Bewegungsstudie in Zufre, 2014
Tamara, 2018
Tamara, 2018
Françoise, Pablo & Jaime, 2018
Françoise, Pablo & Jaime, 2018
Salvador, 2015
Salvador, 2015

This is an ongoing project based on historical biographical events that I have mixed to generate several photographic stories. Halfway between reality and fiction, they materialized in black and white photographs, in which various characters from another era are represented.

The result is a tree of connections in the world of art, literature, fashion and high society that extends through the 20th century for several generations. The work is a reinterpretation of a period lived by my grandfather, Dr. Soler-Roig (1902-1999), who established multiple relationships, more or less direct, with patients, colleagues, friends, family ... A network of connections that allows me to delve into his world and create a series of experiences that bring us unprecedented perspectives.

Through these images I recreate invisible stories: moments, experiences, memories of a past time that allow me to reopen the scars of experiences that only its protagonists lived. The viewer becomes an accomplice to a journey into the past: If our memories were capable of recovering everything we had lived, nostalgia wouldn’t be necessary.

In Nostalgic memory of my life before birth I recover the brightness of a time gone by and bring to the present my interpretation of lights and shadows from different relational angles.

Out of Silence

In the late summer of 2016, Miguel Soler-Roig travelled to one of the most inaccessible regions of Tibet to hear the first words of a Lama who maintained for three years a vow of silence. In Eastern cultures, they are much more aware of the necessity to practice the inward gaze. Silence allows the mind stillness and the discovery of the essence which shapes us.

The artist accompanies the Lama in his daily wanderings, sharing a spiritual life that manifests itself in each small action and in the way of relating to the world. Through the photographs he shows us his daily occupations -prayers, repetition of mantras, meditations, visits to the temple- and his immediate surroundings: the mysticism of the landscapes of Dzogchen in the ancient Kingdom of Kham, the humility and commitment of his people and the idiosyncrasy of a culture linked to the transcendent. The images express this philosophy through veiled symbols and visual metaphors. Stillness and darkness refer to silence, light and movement upon awakening, the path to the course of learning ...

The key symbols of the photographs culminate in an overwhelming way in a videographic artwork. A curtain of smoke gives way to the chants of the lama singing his first words in a mantra. The transition from darkness to light is equated with the experimentation of the Bardos or intermediate states: the first one or Chikhai Bardo. This phase is what happens at the moment of death, when consciousness withdraws from the senses; one no longer hears or sees anything, everything becomes blurred until it vanishes. The video shows the continuous cycle that originates and extinguishes at this point through a process of teaching and learning in which the Lama enters into communion with nature, involving the viewer. The parchment that accompanies it constitutes his first testimony after having been purified in the doctrine of silence. The spontaneity and freshness of its most immediate inspiration reflected on paper. Miguel Soler-Roig proposes an experience of introversion to feel peace of mind and imbue in the deep mysticism of the whole photographic series.

Out Of Silence
Out Of Silence
Out Of Silence
Out Of Silence
Out Of Silence
Out Of Silence
Out Of Silence
Out Of Silence
Out Of Silence
Out Of Silence
Out Of Silence
Out Of Silence
Out Of Silence

Miguel Soler-Roig Bio


  • 1983 Schule für Gestaltung, Basel; Basel School of Design (CH)
  • 1985 BFA, Rhode Island School of Design, Rhode Island, Providence (USA)
  • 1987 MFA, Rhode Island School of Design, Rhode Island, Providence (USA)
  • 2010 MA in Photography, European Institute of Design (IED), Madrid (E)

Selected Solo Exhibitions

  • 2020
    Barbara Davis Gallery, Houston, Amesegënallô
  • 2019
    Kraemer Gallery, Paris, The American Great Nude
    The Photography Show, AIPAD, New York
    The Room Studio, Barcelona, Out of Silence
  • 2018
    Flux-Zone, Mexico City, Out of Silence
    The Room Studio, Barcelona, Weightless Waves
    Barbara Davis Gallery, Houston, Out of Silence
  • 2017
    Emma Molina Gallery, Monterrey, The Ruin of Memory
    Being 3 Gallery, Beijing, Under the Andalusian Sky
  • 2016
    Being 3 Gallery, Beijing, Sceneries for Reverie
    Barbara Davis Gallery, Houston, The Ruin of Memory
    Blanca Berlin Gallery, Madrid, The Ruin of Memory
  • 2015
    Mondo Gallery, Madrid, Logical Ambiguities
    Society for Photographic Education, Cleveland, Ohio, The Ruin of Memory
  • 2013
    Photo España, Madrid, The Great American Nude
  • 2011
    Galeria Alejandro Sales, Barcelona, Frontiers without Limits
  • 2010
    Missoni, Madrid, Vogue Fashion Night Out

Selected Group Exhibitions

  • 2020
    Scattergories. Lista 4. Acción por el arte.
  • 2019
    Venezia Photo. San Servolo
    Cultural Center Jesus, Ibiza, Deserts
  • 2018
    Benaki Museum, Athens Photo Festival, Out of Silence
    Cultural Center Jesus, Ibiza, Animals
  • 2017
    Fotonoviembre, Photography Biennial. TEA Museum, Tenerife
    Antonio Perez Foundation, Cuenca
    Nacional Museum of Photography, Huete
    Cultural Center Jesus, Ibiza, Ibicenco II
  • 2016
    Paris Photo 2016. J.P. Morgan Chase Collection
    Valentin de Madariaga Foundation, Seville, Under the Andalusian Sky
    Photo London, Blanca Berlin Gallery
    Being3 Gallery, Hudson, NY
    Fotofest, Houston
    Cultural Center Jesus, Ibiza, Ibicenco
  • 2015
    Lianzhou Foto Festival, China, The Ruin of Memory
    Photo London, Blanca Berlin Gallery
    Zona Maco Foto, Mexico City
    Luis Carulla Foundation, Tarragona, Under the Andalusian Sky
    Mondo Gallery, Ibiza, Under the Andalusian Sky
    Segovia Foto Festival, The Great American Nude
    Arts Libris, Barcelona
  • 2014
    Lianzhou Foto Festival, China, Logical Ambiguities
    Fotofever, Paris, Blanca Berlin Gallery
    Matadero, Madrid, The Great American Nude
    Fotofest, Houston
  • 2013
    PINTA, New York, Blanca Berlin Gallery
    Arte Laguna, Venice Arsenale, Longings
    ABSOLUT Prize, Photo España, Madrid, The Great American Nude
  • 2012
    Blanca Berlin Gallery, Madrid, Look, Feel, Collect, with Joaquim Paiva and Tony Catany
    IED Group Show, Madrid, Stop Suffering
    JustMad Art Fair, Madrid, Frontiers without Limits
    Casa Encendida, Madrid, ”Mutant Books”, Stop Suffering
  • 2011
    Copenhagen Photo Festival
  • 2010
    Madrid Photo, Blanca Berlin Gallery
    Lisbon Art Fair, Blanca Berlin Gallery
  • 2009
    PhotoEspaña Festival, Madrid
  • 1988
    American Institute of Graphic Arts, New York
  • 1987
    RISD Museum of Art, Providence
  • 1985
    Schule für Gestaltung, Basel


  • Benaki Museum, Athens
  • Royal Artistic Circle, Barcelona
  • Luis Carulla Foundation - Vida Rural Museum, Tarragona
  • Casa degli Italiani, Barcelona
  • Valentin de Madariaga Foundation, Seville
  • Cultural Center Jesus, Ibiza
  • TEA Museum, Tenerife
  • Nacional Museum of Photography, Huete
  • Antonio Perez Foundation, Cuenca
  • RISD Museum of Art, Providence


  • Being 3 Gallery, Beijing
  • Barbara Davis Gallery, Houston
  • Galeria Emma Molina, Monterrey
  • Flux-Zone, México City
  • Blanca Berlin, Madrid
  • Mondo Galeria, Ibiza


  • 2017 Finalist Passporte Prize for Surreal Photography
  • 2014 Finalist NexoFoto Iberoamerican Photo Prize 2014, Madrid
  • 2013 Honorable mention Photo España ABSOLUT Prize 2013, Madrid
  • 2013 Finalist Arte Laguna Art Prize 12.13, MoCA Italy, Venice (IT)
  • 1987 Award of Excellence “Design for the Public Good 1987,” AIGA, New York
  • 1986 Gerrit Rietveld Academie Award, ICOGRADA International Conference, Amsterdam

Works in Collections

  • JP Morgan Chase Art Collection, New York
  • Museum of Fine Arts, Houston
  • Valentin de Madariaga Foundation, Seville
  • Trilantic Capital, New York
  • Yolanda Santos Collection, Monterrey
  • Private collections: Barcelona, Beijing, Geneva, London, Los Angeles, Madrid, Mexico, Miami, Paris, and Zürich

Books and Publications

  • Out of Silence, 2018, Madrid
  • The Great American Nude, (Artist Portfolio) 2015, Madrid
  • Sand Dreams, 2014, Madrid
  • The Great American Nude, 2013, Madrid
  • Arte Laguna Art Prize 12.13, MoCA Italy, 2013, Venice
  • Projects, European Master of Fine Art Photography, 2012, IED Madrid
  • Stop Suffering, Limited edition artist book, 2012, Madrid
  • Fronteras sin Limites, 2011, Madrid
  • From Time to Time, 2010, Barcelona


  • Artnet news Partner Content "Atlantis & Posidonia", May 2018, New York
  • Artnet news Partner Content "Out of Silence", March 2018, New York
  • Diario de Ibiza, “Ibicencos II”, July 2017, Ibiza
  • ABC, “Under the Andalusian Sky”, June 2016, Seville
  • La Razón, “The Ruins of Memory”, May 2016, Barcelona
  • L’Oeil de la Photographie, “The Ruins of Memory”, March 2016, Paris
  • El Periódico de Cataluña, Desnudos en la Alhambra. October 2015, Barcelona
  • L’Oeil de la Photographie, “Sous un ciel andalou”, September 2015, Paris
  • El Mundo Journal, “Bajo un cielo andaluz”, August 2015, Ibiza
  • El Temps Magazine, “Nus encara”, May 2015, Barcelona
  • Amante Magazine, Collectors Edition, Gold, June 2014, Madrid
  • That’s Life Magazine, January 2014, Madrid